
- References:
- C++ FAQ Lite - Marshall Cline
- C++ Glossary - Bjarne Stroustrup (Sep. 2002)
"This is a glossary of C++ terms, organized alphabetically by concept." - C++ Style and Technique FAQ - Bjarne Stroustrup (Nov. 2002)
- Wildfire C++ Programming Style with Rationale - Keith Gabryelski (1997)
- C++ Programming Style - Scott Anderson (1998)
- ISO/ANSI C++ Draft
- Advanced C++ Techniques - Kirk Rader (2002)
- comp.std.c++ FAQ - Matt Austern et al. (Dec. 2000)
- alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ FAQ - Sunil Rao and Rich Churcher (Sep. 2001)
"alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ is a self-moderated newsgroup for the discussion of issues that concern novice to intermediate C and C++ programmers." - G++ FAQ - Joe Buck (Jun. 1998)
- Available C++ Libraries FAQ - Nikki Locke (Jul. 2002)
- C++ Portability Guide - David Williams (Mar. 1998)
"What follows is a set of rules, guidelines, and tips that we have found to be useful in making C++ code portable across many machines and compilers. This information is the result of porting large amounts of code across about 25 different machines, and at least a dozen different C++ compilers. Some of these things will frustrate you and make you want to throw your hands up and say, ``well, that's just a stupid compiler if it doesn't do [insert favorite C++ feature].'' But this is the reality of portable code. If you play by the rules, your code will seamlessly work on all of the Mozilla platforms and will be easy to port to newer machines." - Reducing Dependencies in C++ - Gaz Igbal (Aug. 2000)
- Programming in C++: Rules and Recommendations - Mats Henricson and Erik Nyquist (1990-1992)
- Well-Mannered Object-Oriented Design in C++ - Taligent (May 1994)
- C++ Coding Standard - Todd Hoff (Jun. 2002)
- C++ Tip-of-the-Day - Allan Clarke (Dec. 2000)
- Compiling C and C++ Programs on UNIX Systems - gcc/g++
- CScene: An Online Magazine for C and C++ Programming
- C++: A Critique of C++ (3rd Ed.) - Ian Joyner (Nov. 1996)
- Tutorials:
- C++ in Action: Industrial-Strength Programming Techniques - Bartosz Milewski (Aug. 1997)
- Thinking in C++ (2nd Ed.) - Bruce Eckel
- Who's Afraid of C++: The WWW Edition - Steve Heller (2000)
- C++ Programming Language Tutorials - Douglas Schmidt
- C++ Language Tutorial - The Webwizard
- Online C++ Tutorial - David Wegman
- C++ Tutorial
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with C++ - Allen Downey (Jul. 2001)
- A Beginner's C++ - Neil Gray (2002)
- From the Ground Up: A Guide to C++ (1996)
- Programming with Class: A Practical Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Neil Gray (Mar. 1996)
- Neil's Guide to C++ - Neil Obremski (2002)
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ - Bruno R. Preiss (Aug. 1998)
- TTT Fundamentals of Programming Using C++
- C++ Summary - Michael Gray
- Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (2nd Ed.) - Jesse Liberty
Requires free registration to view. - Understanding C++: An Accelerated Introduction - Marshall Brain
- Pinky and the Brain Learn C++ - Luke Stelling
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ - Peter Muller
- Learning Object Oriented Programming in C++ - Gillius
- Techniques for Scientific C++ - Todd Veldhuizen
- C++ Programming for Scientists - Roldan Pozo and Karin Remington
- Scientific Computing: C++ vs. Fortran - Todd Veldhuizen
- C++ Tutorial for C Users - Eric Brasseur
- Learning C/C++ Without Classes - Gillius
"Meant for programmers making the transition from BASIC or Pascal to C or C++." - C++ Annotations - Frank Brokken (1994-2001)
"For knowledgeable users of C who would like to make the transition to C++."
- Advanced C++:
- More C++ - Tim Love
- C++ Idioms - James Coplien
- Advanced C++ Idioms - Kirk Rader
- Optimizing C++: The WWW Edition - Steve Heller
- Optimizing C++ Programs - Kirk Rader
"Some general guidelines for avoiding some of the more common mistakes that will cause code bloat." - An Introduction to C++ Class Hierarchies - Marshall Brain and Kelly Campbell
- Making C++ Loadable Modules Work - Frank Pilhofer
- Debugging C and C++ Code in a UNIX Environment - J. Dassen
- A Beginner's Guide to Pointers - Andrew Peace
- C++ Pointers - CS170
- Smart Pointer Templates in C++ - David Harvey
"A template idiom providing a class which allows us to wrap an instance of another class, maintaining access to that class's members, but adding functionality in a way that is transparent to the wrapped class." - Advanced String Techniques in C++ - Fredrik Andersson
- Implementation Hiding in C++ - Alan Griffiths
- Casting in C++: Bringing Safety and Smartness to Your Program - G. Bowden Wise
- C++ Exception Handling - Denton Woods
- C++ Streams: Internals and Applications - Christopher Piedmonte
- Template Metaprograms - Todd Veldhuizen
A technique for writing programs in a subset of C++ which are interpreted at compile time, e.g. language features such as for loops and if statements can be replaced by template specialization and recursion. - Expression Templates - Todd Veldhuizen
"A C++ technique for passing expressions as function arguments."
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