CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a simple styling language which allows attaching style to HTML elements. Every element type as well as every occurance of a specific element within that type can be declared an unique style, e.g. margins, positioning, color or size.
- Reference:
- W3C CSS Home Page
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets FAQ - Jan Eriksson
- Stylesheet Authoring FAQ - Jan Eriksson
- Cascading Style Sheets FAQ - Brian Wilson
- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1: W3C Recommendation
- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2: W3C Recommendation
- CSS1 Reference - Miloslav Nic
- CSS2 Reference - Miloslav Nic
- Changes from CSS1 to CSS2
- W3C CSS1 Test Suite
- W3C CSS Validation Service
- CSS Bugs and Workarounds
- The Little Shop of CSS Horrors - Matt Haughey
- Tutorials:
- Style Sheets in HTML Documents - W3C
- Introduction to Style Sheets - Alan Richmond
- Adding a Touch of Style with CSS - Dave Raggett
- Putting Style Sheets in Perspective - Linda Cole
- Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web - Alan Richmond
- The CSS Anarchist's Cookbook - Eric Meyer
- Stylesheet Cookbook - Steve Knoblock
- The CSS Anarchist Strikes Again! - Eric Meyer
- Using CSS as a Diagnostic Tool - Eric Meyer
- What Makes CSS So Great? - Eric Meyer
- Introduction to CSS - Nic Miloslav
- Guide to Cascading Style Sheets - John Pozadzides and Liam Quinn
- CSS School
- CSS 2 Tutorial - Miloslav Nic
- CSS2 Tutorial
- Specific/Advanced Topics:
- Defining CSS Media Types - Chuck Musciano
- CSS2 Printing: Left and Right Layouts - Chuck Musciano
- Controlling Table Layout with CSS2 - Chuck Musciano
- More Savvy Table Tricks with CSS - Chuck Musciano
- Linking Styles to Documents - Alan Richmond
- CSS Positioning, Part I
- CSS Positioning, Part II
- CSS Floats, Part I
- CSS Floats, Part II
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