
- Eiffel FAQ - Frank Arnaud (Sep. 2002)
- Eiffel: An Advanced Introduction - Alan Snyder and Brian Vetter (Nov. 1997)
- Eiffel: The Reference - NICE (Jul. 1995)
- Invitation to Eiffel - ISE
- An Eiffel Tutorial - ISE
- Object-Oriented Software Engineering with Eiffel - Jean-Marc Jezequel (1996)
- Object-Oriented Programming in Eiffel: The On-Line Book - Rob Rist
- Tutorials for "Object Oriented Programming in Eiffel" - Rob Rist
- Eiffel Lectures - Rob Rist
- Why Eiffel? - Todd Plessel (Dec. 1998)
- Why Your Next Project Should Use Eiffel (May 1996)
- Eiffel Online Manuals and Tech Papers
- Eiffel for Native Speakers of C++ - Patrick Doyle (Aug. 1998)
- SmartEiffel
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