IEEE 754

"IEEE 754-1985 governs binary floating-point arithmetic. It specifies number formats, basic operations, conversions, and exceptional conditions. The related standard IEEE 854-1987 generalizes 754 to cover decimal arithmetic as well as binary." - IEEE 754 Group
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-Point Arithmetic - David Goldberg (Mar. 1991)
- Differences Among IEEE 754 Implementations - Doug Priest
- What's Wrong with the IEEE 754 Floating Point Standard? - Ross Harvey
"So I conclude that 754 is a virus, infecting individual programs, and making them unable to run on non-IEEE-754 hardware." - Lecture Notes on the Status of IEEE Standard 754 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic - W. Kahan (May 1996) []
- The Baleful Effect of Computer Benchmarks Upon Applied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - W. Kahan (Aug. 1995) []
- What Can You Learn About Floating-Point Arithmetic in One Hour? - W. Kahan (Feb. 1996) []
- Handling Floating Point Exceptions in Numeric Programs - John Hauser (Mar. 1996)
- IEEE Arithmetic Model (in Numerical Computation Guide: Forte Developer 7 Documentation, Sun, 2002)
- IEEE Standard Arithmetic (in PowerPC Numerics, Jul. 1996)
- Some Proposals for Revising ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985
- IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic - IEEE 754 (1985)
- IEEE Standard for Radix-Independent Floating Point Arithmetic - IEEE 854
- IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic - IEEE 754r (Mar. 2003 Draft)
- An Interview with the Old Man of Floating Point - Charles Severance (Mar. 1998)
- Algorithm 722; Functions to support the IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic - W. J. Cody and Jerome T. Coonen (1993)
- Bibliography of Material on Floating-Point Arithmetic - Nelson Beebe (Jan. 2003)
- IEEE 754 Floating-Pont Test Software - Nelson Beebe
"This directory contains a small collection of test programs for examining the behavior of IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic, together with test input andxi output files. There are also a few additional test programs for other data types." - IEEE 754 Compliance Checker - Brigitte Verdonk and Annie Cuyt
"A precision and range independent tool to test whether an implementation of floating-point arithmetic (in hardware or software) is compliant with the principles of the IEEE floating-point standard." - SoftFloat - John Hauser
"A free, high-quality software implementation of the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-point Arithmetic." - TestFloat - John Hauser
"A program for testing whether a computer's floating-point conforms to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-point Arithmetic."
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