Mixed Language Programming

- See also Mixed Language Programming with Fortran
- EPOC Mixed Language Programming [C, C++, assembler] - Matt J. Gumbley
- Mixed-Language Programming: Overview [C, C++, MASM, Fortran] - MSDN
- Art of Assembly: Mixed Language Programming
- A Wrapper Generator for Wrapping High Performance Legacy Codes as Java/CORBA Components - M. Li et al. (2000)
- Bibliography on Mixed Language Programming - Bo Einarsson (Sep. 2001)
- Specific Implementations:
- Matwrap
"A wrapper generator for matrix languages." - SWIG (Simple Wrapper Interface Generator)
- SWIG Users Manual - David Beazley
- SWIG: An Easy to Use Tool for Integrating Scripting Languages with C and C++ - David Beazley (Jul. 1996)
- SWIG - Scott Bolte (1997)
- Feeding a Large-Scale Physics Application to Python - David Beazley et al. (Oct. 1997)
- Perl Extension Building with SWIG - David Beazley et al. (Aug. 1998)
- Tcl and SWIG as a C/C++ Development Tool - David Beazley (1998)
- TclBlend: Blending Tcl and Java - Scott Stanton (Feb. 1998)
- Inline
"Inline.pm is a new module that glues other programming languages to Perl. It allows you to write C, C++, and Python code directly inside your Perl scripts and modules."- Inline Wiki
- Inline Reference Manual - Brian Ingerson et al. (2001)
- Using Inline in Perl - Michael Roberts (Jun. 2001)
- Pathologically Polluting Perl - Brian Ingerson (Feb. 2001)
- Boost.Python
"A C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language." - SIP
"SIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C++ libraries." - Pyrex
"Pyrex lets you write code that mixes Python and C data types any way you want, and compiles it into a C extension for Python." - Weave
"The weave package allows the inclusion of C/C++ within Python code." - SILOON
"SILOON (Scripting Interface Languages for Object-Oriented Numerics) gives users the ability to rapidly prototype their scientific codes in a simple yet elegant fashion using the popular scripting languages Python and Perl. While programming in these flexible and dynamic languages, SILOON users maintain the capability of accessing the full power and complexity of C++ and FORTRAN 90 libraries executed on high-performance parallel computers."
- Matwrap
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