- Introduction to Structured Query Language - James Hoffman (1997)
- A Gentle Introduction to SQL - Andrew Cumming (1999-2002)
- AboutSQL - John Paul Ashenfelter
- Getting Started with SQL (Oct. 2000)
- What's the Big Deal About SQL? (Oct. 2000)
- Introducing SELECT (Oct. 2000)
- Filtering SELECTed Data with WHERE (Nov. 2000)
- INSERTing Data (Nov. 2000)
- UPDATE That Data! (Dec. 2000)
- DELETE Tips and Tricks (Dec. 2000)
- Where to Use WHERE (Jan. 2001)
- Using Functions (Jan. 2001)
- Aggregate Functions (Jan. 2001)
- Controlling Data Display with ORDER BY (Feb. 2001)
- Group By (Feb. 2001)
- The "Key" to Good SQL (Mar. 2001)
- Good Relations (Mar. 2001)
- Types of Relationships (Mar. 2001)
- JOINed at the Hip (May 2001)
- More on JOINs (Jun. 2001)
- Types of JOINs (Jun. 2001)
- The Outer Limits of SQL JOINs (Jun. 2001)
- Self-Inflicted SQL (Jul. 2001)
- SQL Subqueries (Jul. 2001)
- Introducing SQL Sets (Aug. 2001)
- Data Definition Language (Aug. 2001)
- Working with Tables (Sep. 2001)
- SQL Data Types (Sep. 2001)
- SQL for Web Nerds - Philip Greenspun
- SQL Tutorial - Chuo-Han Lee (Jul. 2002)
- SQL Tutorial - W3Schools.com
- SQL Tutorial - BayCon Group
- SQL Course - SQLCourse2.com
- SQL Tutorial I - Introduction to SQL and Installation of PostgreSQL - Manuel Soriano (May 1998)
- SQL Tutorial II - Basic SQL Statements - Manuel Soriano (Jul. 1998)
- SQL Tutorial and Interpreter
- Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days (2nd Ed.) - Ryan Stephens et al.
- Speaking SQL - Part 1 - icarus (Dec. 2000)
- Speaking SQL - Part 2 - icarus (Jan. 2001)
- Integrating SQL with CGI, Part 1 - Reuven Lerner (Oct. 1997)
- Integrating SQL with CGI, Part 2 - Reuven Lerner (Nov. 1997)
- Comparing Data Sets with SQL - Jonathan Gennick (Apr. 2002)
- Apples and Oranges: A Linux DBMS Comparison - Matthias Warkus
- Introducing the Series (Nov. 1999)
- The Database Design (Nov. 1999)
- Evaluating a Wide Range of Factors (Nov. 1999)
- MySQL and PostgreSQL Compared - Tim Perdue
- MySQL:
- MySQL Introduction - David Axmark and Michael Widenius (Nov. 1999)
- Beginning MySQL Tutorial - W. J. Gilmore (Apr. 1999)
- The Complete MySQL Tutorial - Brian Liebaugh
- Data Integrity Using MySQL and PHP - Part 1 - Mark Gerow
- Data Integrity Using MySQL and PHP - Part 2 - Mark Gerow
- MySQL: A Database Server
- Setting Up a MySQL Based Website - Part 1 - Andrew Chen
- Setting Up a MySQL Based Website - Part II - Andrew Chen
- Simple Connection with PHP to MySQL (Aug. 2000)
- PHP/MySQL Tutorial - Graeme Merrall
- Optimizing MySQL - W. J. Gilmore (Jan. 2001)
- MySQL Table Joins - W. J. Gilmore (Jul. 1999)
- The MySQL Grant Tables - W. J. Gilmore (Mar. 1999)
- An Introduction to Database Normalization, Part 1 - W. J. Gilmore (Nov. 2000)
- An Introduction to Database Normalization, Part 2 - W. J. Gilmore (Dec. 2000)
- MySQL and ODBC - W. J. Gilmore (Feb. 2001)
- Managing a Simple Mailing List using PHP and MySQL (May. 2002)
- PostgreSQL:
- PostgreSQL Documentation - PostgreSQL Development Team (1996-2001)
- PostgreSQL HOWTO
- Installing PostgreSQL - Jeff MacDonald (Oct. 2000)
- PostgreSQL--the Linux under the Databases - Rolf Herzog (Feb. 1998)
- Optimizing PostgreSQL - Ericson Smith
- Getting Started with OpenACS - Don Baccus
"The OpenACS toolkit is a PostgreSQL port of the ArsDigita Community System, a comprehensive Open Source toolkit for building Web sites backed by Oracle."
- DBI:
- A Short Guide to DBI - Mark-Jason Dominus (Oct. 1999)
- DBI FAQ-o-Matic
- DBI FAQ (Feb. 2000)
- Programming with the DBI - A. Descartes and T. Bunce (Feb. 2000)
- DBI: A Database Interface for Perl5 - A. Descartes
- Perl DBI Examples - Jeff Baker (Oct. 1999)
- DBI: The Neophyte's Guide - A. Descartes (1999)
- Advanced DBI - Tim Bunce (1999)
- Getting Serious with the Perl DBI - Tim Bunce (1998)
- Integrating Perl and Databases - Tim Bunce (1997)
- Point/Counterpoint:
- DBIx::Recordset vs. DBI - Terrence Brannon (Feb. 2001)
- DBI is OK - chromatic (Mar. 2001)
- NoSQL Tutorial - Giuseppe Paterno (Nov. 1999)
- Beagle SQL, A Client/Server Database for Linux - Rob Klein (Feb. 1998)
- Using mSQL in a Web-Based Production Environment - B. Scott Burkett (Jun. 1997)
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